The ABFM is all about food. But it’s also about the life of our communities, and what makes them vibrant and stimulating. We provide space each week for local community organizations to share their good work with our shoppers.


Acton Conservation Trust

The Acton Conservation Trust is a non-profit, non-governmental organization devoted to the preservation of open space in Acton. As a land trust, we can hold permanent conservation easements, accept gifts of land, accept tax-deductible gifts to be used for open space preservation, and purchase land for conservation purposes. We also provide education to landowners about various options for preservation. Founded in 1962, ACT has 8 trustees and over 300 member families.


July 28

Acton Dog Park Committee / Friends of Acton Community Dog Park

The Acton Dog Park Committee is leading the effort to build an enclosed, accessible dog park at 348 Main Street, Acton. We envision positioning two enclosed dog parks -- one for small dogs and one for all dogs. The remaining land will utilized for a small parking area and otherwise remain as open space, with potential for walking trails, pollinator gardens and picnic tables. The Friends of Acton Community Dog park is raising funds to help cover the design costs and to provide additional amenities not covered by the construction grant.


July 14

Acton Volunteer Clean Energy Coaches

Acton's FREE Clean Energy Coaching program offers ongoing consultations, with Abode-trained community volunteers, for residents and building owners to learn about, plan for, and initiate actions such asadoption of home/building weatherization, efficient electric heat pump technologies, solar, electric vehicles, and/or other energy adaptations for our clean energy future.


September 22

Acton Water District

The Acton Water District is a community public water system that delivers high quality drinking water to the majority (about 95%) of the residents of the town of Acton, Massachusetts.  All the water provided by the District comes from 24 wells located within town. The District’s system consists of approximately 135 miles of water main, four storage tanks, and four treatment facilities that assist in the production of high-quality finished water. The Acton Water District is a municipal entity separate from the Town of Acton chartered by the Massachusetts Legislature’s Acts of 1912.


July 30

Boston Area Gleaners

Boston Area Gleaners is a regional food systems organization working at the intersection of farming, food waste, and hunger relief. We organize volunteer projects to harvest, sort, and pack surplus food from farms across Eastern Massachusetts for distribution to local food banks, pantries, and meal services. Our goal is to bridge food distribution gaps, improve healthy food access, prevent on-farm food waste, and create new markets for locally grown produce. Volunteer with us and help get healthy produce from farms to families! 


July 21

Green Acton

Green Acton works to protect Acton’s natural resources and environment, and to help resolve the broad environmental crises we all face. Visit the Community Table to learn more about our work on energy/climate, water, land use, and materials (including toxics and plastics). Also, get great information on organic, sustainable lawn and garden care, and the risks of synthetic, phosphorous fertilizers (which are now legally regulated by MA). Bring your questions and ideas!


June 23, September 15

League of Women Voters

Democracy is NOT a spectator sport

The LWV-Acton Area is a non-partisan, grassroots organization in Massachusetts that supports and opposes issues, but not candidates or political parties. Our charter is to protect voters, educate and engage voters, reform money in politics and defend the environment. The League is open to women and men over the age of 16 who want to make democracy work. The League works at national, state and local levels to influence policy through civic education and advocacy. 


September 8